The Gift of the 3DBC
This class will be in English, translated to Slovenian.
Ali ste pripravljeni prejeti darilo 3-dnevnega seminarja o telesih? Ali ste voljni raziskati neskončne možnosti, ki se odprejo s telesnimi procesi? Vabljeni!
3-dnevni seminar o telesih je prava sprememba v igro za vaše sladko telo. Ste vse to pripravljeni zaznati, vedeti, biti in prejeti?
Vabljeni, da raziščete energijo 3-dnevnega seminarja za vaše telo na tem brezplačnem Zoomu!
To je klic po več možnostih za vas in vaše telo! Ga boste prejeli?
Sophie Cerny je certificirana facilitatorka Access Consciousness Facilitator (CF), izvaja predavanja po vsem svetu, da bi ljudem predala zavedanje, da vedo in si ustvariti življenje, ki si ga resnično želijo. – Ustvarite si življenje, ki si ga resnično želite!
Are you ready to receive the gift of the 3-Day Body Class? Are you ready to explore the endless possibilities you have with the body processes? You are invited!
The 3-Day Body Class is a real game changer for your sweet body. Are you ready to perceive, know, be and receive all of this?
You are invited to explore the energy of the 3-Day Body Class on this free Zoom.
Your call for more possibilities with your body!
Sophie Cerny is a certified Access Consciousness Facilitator (CF) who does classes around the world to empower people to know that they know & to create the life they truly desire. – Create your Superlife!
Time & Date: January 22nd, 8:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Free Zoom
+ Class Recordings
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